study ! aarrgghhhh...kenapa feel tok study tu xmuncul lg ni? hari berganti hari..minggu berganti aku xmula apa2 lg ni...adoi ! dapat ke aku skor ?? tp lau keadaan y malas ni, npknye cm xdpt je apa y aku skor...huh ! so ble nk muncul feel ni...cepat ! datang la ke dalam diri ku...supaya aku dapat mulakan...supaya aku tidak tertinggal sebarang nota nti...biasa lah..ble dah study last minute, pasti byk y aku akan t'tinggal...adoi !
study ! study ! semangat la wahai adik manis Jusmaniza !!
biar apa y ingin dicapai tu, tercapai ;)
* senyum *
i'll study start tomorrow ! yup ! i'll do it..... ;)
and i'll start with Financial Management I ! ;)
it's not difficult if everybody understand it...
it's not difficult if everybody know the formula...
it's not difficult if everybody set it is easy !
and it's not difficult if mind set say love Financial Management I ! ;)'s not difficult right ? ;) insyaAllah...u can score dis subject, Jus !
insyaAllah..moga2 aku dapat memahaminya...amin...
after dis....will continue subject....................
hmmmm...masih memikirkan lg... ;)
myb Management kot ! ;)
it's not difficult but.........
the topic so many maaaaa......
huh !
have 19 chapter.....huh !
what i must do it?
read all ??oh ! many !
hmmm...nak xnk, kne gk bce sume..apa kan daya..nota mls nk wt :D
hmmmm....lg pas ni apa??
nti la ekk aku pk kan...
cz mata pn da memberontak minta dpejam !
dan badan pn rasa agak penat...
so, SLEEP !!
nite all :)
study ! study ! semangat la wahai adik manis Jusmaniza !!
biar apa y ingin dicapai tu, tercapai ;)
* senyum *
i'll study start tomorrow ! yup ! i'll do it..... ;)
and i'll start with Financial Management I ! ;)
it's not difficult if everybody understand it...
it's not difficult if everybody know the formula...
it's not difficult if everybody set it is easy !
and it's not difficult if mind set say love Financial Management I ! ;)'s not difficult right ? ;) insyaAllah...u can score dis subject, Jus !
insyaAllah..moga2 aku dapat memahaminya...amin...
after dis....will continue subject....................
hmmmm...masih memikirkan lg... ;)
myb Management kot ! ;)
it's not difficult but.........
the topic so many maaaaa......
huh !
have 19 chapter.....huh !
what i must do it?
read all ??oh ! many !
hmmm...nak xnk, kne gk bce sume..apa kan daya..nota mls nk wt :D
hmmmm....lg pas ni apa??
nti la ekk aku pk kan...
cz mata pn da memberontak minta dpejam !
dan badan pn rasa agak penat...
so, SLEEP !!
nite all :)

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